The Kingborough Gymnastics Association is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission statement is:
“Enabling the delivery of quality gymnastics programs to the Tasmanian community”
The Kingborough Gymnastics Association leases the State Gymnastics Centre and owns its equipment. The contractor running the programs in the State Gymnastics Centre is Gymsports Management Pty Ltd (trading as Kingborough Gymsports). Kingborough Gymsports hire the facilities from the Kingborough Gymnastics Association.
Current Members:
- President – Chris Morgan
- Vice President – Rose Bowerman
- Treasurer – Karen French (Chair of the fundraising sub-committee)
- General Member – Kristy Meos
- General Member – Raquel Andrews
- General Member – Sam Crean
- General Member – Jo Penny
Role of the Kingborough Gymnastics Association:
- Manage the finances of the Association
- Set the strategic direction
- Approve fundraising activities for equipment
- Allocate funding for new equipment
- Have committee meetings as required
- Attract and retain sponsors for the new gymnastics centre
- Assist gymnasts in attending interstate competitions
- Assist with the running of elite development programs
- Manage the State Gymnastics Centre
- Appoint contractors to the State Gymnastics Centre and monitor usage
- Manage MOU with Gymnastics Tasmania for the State Gymnastics Centre
- Assist with grant applications
Kingborough Gymnastics Associations Code of Conduct
We are committed to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes the safety of all children
and young people. This includes encouraging a culture where the prevention and reporting of abuse is
supported and encouraged. All KGA volunteers are responsible for promoting the safety, wellbeing and
empowerment of children.
This Code of Conduct sets expectations for how adults should behave around children. This is important
to help prevent children from being harmed. Child abuse takes many forms and can include physical,
sexual and psychological abuse, ill-treatment and neglect.
This Code of Conduct identifies positive child safe behaviours that we encourage all adults to support. It
also identifies behaviours that we consider unacceptable. Engaging in unacceptable behaviour is a
breach of this Code of Conduct and may result in cessation of volunteer opportunities and reporting to
police and/or the Office of the Independent Regulator via the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
I will:
• Treat all children and young people with respect.
• Actively promote cultural safety and inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
and those from other diverse communities.
• Listen to children and respond to them appropriately.
• Adhere to all relevant Australian and Tasmanian legislation.
• Participate in any required training.
• Take all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse.
• Believe any child or young person if they disclose harm or abuse and help them to access
• Uphold the rights of all children/ young people and always prioritise their needs.
• Report and act on any concerns or observed breaches of this Code of Conduct.
I will not:
• Condone or participate in illegal, unsafe or abusive behaviour towards children, including
physical, sexual or psychological abuse, ill-treatment, neglect or grooming.
• Use hurtful, discriminatory or offensive behaviour or language with children.
• Encourage a child to communicate with me in a private setting, including online.
• Ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse.
• Fail to report if I know a child has been abused.
All KGA volunteers are encouraged to speak up if they have concerns about the safety of children. Any
concerns about a breach of this Code of Conduct must be reported.
If you believe a young person is at immediate risk of harm you must ensure their safety by calling 000 for
medical or police assistance and also complete the attached KGA Reportable Conduct Form (the form).
If there is no immediate risk of harm, please continue to fill in the form. Please note, the content of this
report may be passed onto the Office of the Independent Regulator (OIR) as required by the Child and
Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.
Office of the Independent Regulator
Strategic Pillars:
Operating with integrity and transparency, to provide safe, state of the art facilities.
Providing a governance framework where volunteers and sponsors can best support our participants.
Developing financial assistance and fundraising opportunities to enable athlete’s to attend high profile national and international events.
Engage & Enthuse
Advocating for diversity and inclusion for our current and future participants to maximize their enjoyment and longevity in the sport.
Sponsorship Opportunities: